
We provide R ’n’ D
related to Info-Tech Bespoke Sofwares & Solutions.

About Us

Who we are

Who we are

We are an information Technology and services company with our head office based in South Africa. Daytona Technologies Ltd form part of the Hello Group (


Daytona was set up to provide innovative technology driven solutions to its partners through the latest methodologies. Daytona owns the intellectual property rights of a payment switching infrastructure and provide cross-platform development services to its partners. Daytona works in collaboration with Daytona Capital Management Limited, a company incorporated and set up in the United Kingdom and holds an API license issued by the Financial Conduct Authority.


We have a passionate team of developers with multiple development skills that work with the latest technologies who strive to always innovate. While the apps are joy to use for millions of users across globe, our satisfaction lies in the simple smile that appears on the face of a receiver.

What we do

What we do

It’s simple and we would like to keep it that way. We help you transfer money. Across boundaries, across continents. Does not matter whose picture lies on your national currency.


Our services are co-created to be low cost, easily accessible and amazingly simple to use with technology at the very core. By constantly evolving for consumers and resellers we maintain market leadership and entrench the Hello Group within the fabric of our communities.


We are the dominant telecom, Financial within our target markets.

How we do it

How we do it

Technology. Thats the right word. And that is ever-changing, isn’t it. So at the heart of our seamless connectivity to various digital exchange platforms & individuals lies latest & state of the art technology. Our services are co-created to be low cost, easily accessible and amazingly simple to use with technology at the very core. By constantly evolving for consumers and resellers, we maintain market leadership and entrench ourselves within the fabric of our communities.

Why we do It

Why we do It

We change lives, daily. We listen to the little guy who doesn’t have a voice and provide migrants with a support framework and platform to be able to better not only their lives, but the lives of their families.


We empower and provide hope. By simply harnessing technology we empower people. We did away with the pesky middle man.


We uplift the community. We asked, they responded, we listened. The business is sustainable & thus we can focus on our responsibility that we are delighted to discharge as “Human Beings”.

What makes us different

What makes us different

We break down barriers. We defy bias. We level the playing field. We thereby enhance every facet of the lives of the migrant and marginalized communities.




Say hi,
we're waving